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St Mary & St John Church of England V.A. Primary School

North Luffenham, Rutland


We have an experienced, talented  and dedicated team of teaching and support staff who all have a role to play in your  child's education. 

Parents are welcome to arrange a mutually convenient appointment at any time with a teacher - please use the email links below to contact the teacher directly. 

In addition, we hold parent consultations when parents are invited to make an appointment to discuss their child's academic, spiritual, social and emotional development.


Class Name Staff Name Role

Mrs Wilce


Year 6

Mr Flowers


Deputy Headteacher, Teacher &

Key Stage 2 Leader 

Year 5 Mrs Stanfield


Year 4

Mr Clark

Ms Moseley

Teacher, SENCo


Year 3 Mrs Thornton


Year 2

Miss Buxton


Year 1

Mrs Briggs

Mrs Reynolds



Reception Class

Mrs Gamble

Teacher, Early Years & Key Stage 1 Leader

Little Saints Pre School

Mrs Gay

Miss Jones

Mrs Neave

Miss Sansom

Pre-School Leader

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Practitioner

Music/PPA Cover

Ms Moseley

Music & Class Teacher


Mr Clark

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Belderbos

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bell

Teaching Assistant/ELSA
  Mrs Bennett Teaching Assistant

Mrs Breden

Early Years Practitioner
  Ms Calton Teaching Assistant/Sandwich Club Assistant

Mr Coyne

HLTA/Sports Coach

Mrs Dudin

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Eshelby

Teaching Assistant/ELSA

Miss J Fox

Teaching Assistant/Sandwich Club Assistant

Mrs T Fox



Mrs Groombridge

Early Years Practitioner


Mrs Halls

Teaching Assistant


Mrs Nelson

Teaching Assistant

  Mrs Pauls Teaching Assistant

Mrs Sewell

Teaching Assistant/Midday Supervisor


Miss H Moody

 Breakfast and Sandwich Club Leader

  Mrs L Moody Sandwich  Club Assistant

Support Staff

Mrs Wheatley

School Business Manager


Mrs Lister

Office Administrator


Mr Dibble

Premises Officer


Revd. Pippa

Revd. Jenni

Revd. Steven

Rector  - Rutland Water Benefice

Assistant Priest - Rutland Water Benefice

Priest in Charge - Welland Fosse Benefice

In addition, we have visiting peripatetic music teachers. Parent helpers and volunteers  regularly come in to support teachers across the curriculum and with trips and sporting activities.  We value and encourage parents to become actively involved with their children's learning, the school and its activities - if you are interested and have some spare time, then please do contact the school office.  All parents and helpers will be subject to a DBS check before starting at the school.